This is the disgusting pile of discarded drinks cans and bottles, items of clothing and other paraphernalia which was discarded by drink and drug-fueled party-goers after an all-night bank holiday rave, the second such event in as many weeks, at the local Dooney Rock beauty spot.

The organizers, who are believed to live on the southern outskirts of Sligo Town, showed absolutely no regard whatsoever for other people who wished to use the Coillte managed recreation area situated on the southern shores of Lough Gill.

If this is their attitude to litter today, this is obviously the message they will be passing on to their own children. So you would wonder what kind of a place Sligo, indeed the whole of Ireland, will be in a few generations time.

Is there a solution to this kind of problem? banning use of these recreation areas isn’t really an enforceable answer, but perhaps Sligo Borough Council or Sligo County Council should adopt a policy where they clean up the rubbish and pursue the organizers of these events through the courts to reclaim the clean-up costs and to also impose a hefty fine for indiscriminate dumping.

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