O’Connell StreetSligo Town’s has finally re-opened to vehicular traffic on December 9th.

Many motorists remained unsure this morning as to whether they could drive down O’Connell Street immediately after its opening, with many drivers stopping their cars in Gratten Street at the bottom of Harmony Hill and taking a few moments to decide which way to go, a case of old habits dying hard.

The reopening of O’Connell Street is estimated to have cost as much as €125,000.

O’Connell Street now accommodates only a single lane of traffic, with no left turn into Wine Street.

Traffic will not be allowed to turn into Lower Quay Street and there will be no through traffic allowed from Harmony Hill.

No parking will be allowed on O’Connell Street apart from in the disabled bays and bus bays, and there is now an upgraded pedestrian crossing at the Tobergal Lane junction.

Pedestrianisation elements of the street, such as trees and other landscaping have now been removed, and restaurants and pubs which featured outside seating area’s have now gone back indoors.

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