A delighted Chris RidleyThe owner of this website, “Sligo Town on the Net”, has just released website hit statistic’s for the last twelve months which show a figure of 1,148,578 people having visited the website between December 2007 and November 2008.

Website owner Chris Ridley said “these figures just go to show that Sligo Town on the Net” has a very solid following indeed”.

These figures come after the release of the previous figures, relating to the period from August 1st 2006 until July 31st 2007, which returned a figure of 1,215,750 hits.

Chris Ridley added that “these figures, whilst lower than those released for last year, have proven that a lot of people have an on-going interest in Sligo Town, and despite some people voicing some disbelief at last years figures, prove the worldwide public’s continued interest in Sligo Town and reinforce the fact that this website has beome a force to be reakoned with”.

The Sligo Town on the Net website was set up in 2002 in an effort to attract more people to visit Sligo Town on their holidays or for a weekend away.

The website is run by Chris Ridley as a personal project and has never received any form of funding from any tourism or governmental body.

Chris Ridley said “it’s not easy maintaining the website, its like having a second full-time job, but it’s a labour of love, I love Sligo Town, though I would dearly like to meet somebody who also shares an interest in the history and tourism potential of Sligo Town, in the hope that they could help in the writing of pages or taking photographs for the website“.

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